Millman Residence
8737 Keeler Avenue
Skokie, Illinois 60076
Wednesday following the service to 9 PM
Thursday 6 PM to 9 PM
Memorials May Be Made To:
Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah
3220 Big Tree Lane
Wilmette, Illinois 60091
(847) 256-1213
Service Information
Service : Wednesday, May 4th at 12:15 pm
Service Location: -Shalom Chapel Service
Shalom Memorial Park
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Guest Book & Memories
Share your memories and photographs below.
May 3rd, 2016
Will always remember talking to Morrie during the Illinois Orchid Society shows, when we were both working the sales table. Morrie would always bring in these huge flowering Phalaenopsis for sale. We had good times talking orchids and helping people with their questions. Morrie will be missed!
~Member of the Illinois Orchid Society, Romeoville, IL
May 3rd, 2016
I’m related to Morrie through his wife Myrna according to the following family history relationships:
Morrie Millman (1927 – 2016)
husband of 1st cousin 1x removed
Myrna H Berkowitz (1931 – )
wife of Morrie Millman
Sarah Rosenbaum (1902 – 1966)
mother of Myrna H Berkowitz
Yisruel Hersch Rosenbaum (1834 – 1916)
father of Sarah Rosenbaum
Chaia (Ida) Rosenbaum (1889 – 1981)
daughter of Yisruel Hersch Rosenbaum
Frieda Altman (1917 – 2001)
daughter of Chaia (Ida) Rosenbaum
Fred (Ephraim) Feldman
I am the son of Frieda Altman
I was privileged to visit Morrie and Myrna several times and knew Morrie as a sweet and gentle man who had a deep love for family and an abiding interest in the lives and times of those of his and Myrna’s family that came before him. He was an important link in the lives of our family and will be deeply missed.
~Fred Feldman
~Morrie was the husband of my first cousin, one time removed., Kensington, NH
Guest Book and Memories
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