1000 Grove Street
Evanston, Illinois 60201
(847) 475-7400
December 3rd from 3 PM to 5 PM
Memorials May Be Made To:
Orphans of the Storm
2200 Riverwoods Road
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
(847) 945-0235
Service Information
Service : Sunday, December 3rd at 2:00 pm
Service Location: -Memorial Service at Greenwood Beach in Evanston
Guest Book & Memories
Share your memories and photographs below.
June 5th, 2018
I had met Marla for the first time at the Greenwood Street Beach in September of 2015. I had moved to Evanston earlier that year and didn’t have any local friends. I remember seeing a group of extreme athletes windsurfing and was so impressed that it inspired me to purchase my first pieces of windsurfing gear. The first day I showed up at the beach with my newly acquired gear (the gear was ~20years old) the majority of the windsurfing community laughed and told me that my gear was too old and that I would never be able to learn on Lake Michigan. Marla had a different view, she gave me tips on how to rig the equipment and continued to encouraged me to learn the sport. I would talk to her almost every other Saturday/Sunday morning when she was either finishing up surfing or walking her dog. Her positive attitude and encouragement is the reason that I know how to windsurf today.
Thanks Marla!
-Brendon Smith
~Brendon Smith
~Beach/Windsurfing Friend, Evanston, IL
Guest Book and Memories
Memorial Yahrzeit Request
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