

Visitation at Shalom Memorial Funeral Home
9AM until service time of 10AM


Rose Marie Clark, nee Vesio, 85, passed away December 29, 2022, beloved wife of the late Morton Wallace; devoted daughter of the late Elizabeth and Sam; loving sister of the late Michael and Cecilia; cherished aunt of 7 and great aunt of many. A native of Chicago and more recently, Mundelein. She leaves behind many caring and loyal friends. Chapel service 10 AM Wednesday, January 4th at Shalom Memorial Funeral Home, 1700 W. Rand Road, Arlington Heights. Visitation 1 hour prior. Interment Randhill Park Cemetery. To leave condolences and for information, including link to view the service: or 847-255-3520

Service Information

Service : Wednesday, January 4th at 10:00 am
Service Location: Shalom Chapel Service -Shalom Memorial Funeral Home

Randhill Park Cemetery
1700 W. Rand Road
Arlington Heights

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